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Runner-Led Pamplona Bullrun Tour

How to Run with Bulls Led by an Experienced Runner

125 US dollars
Corrales de Santo Domingo (Calle Santo Domingo)

Service Description

Whether you plan to run with bulls or watch from a balcony, our job isn't done until we've answered all of your questions. Don't fall for a tour that isn't conducted by a recognized runner! Our trained runners have spent years running and coaching first-timers. They still run, and they are aware of the nuances that runners face day-to-day as the run evolves. We walk the entire route. For prospective runners, we recommend areas to run, and we discuss our reasoning. For guest who plan to watch from a balcony, the tour provides in-depth knowledge of what runners experience. We provide examples of things we've seen on the run route as runners in the exact places we've seen them.

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • Calle de Santo Domingo, 1-341, Pamplona, Spain

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